Glaucoma Surgery


Glaucoma refers to a category of eye conditions involving optic nerve damage. It is called the “silent thief of vision” due to its lack of warning signs and gradual effects. Many people who have glaucoma do not realise until it’s too late and lose their eyesight permanently. Hence, getting regular eye exams is essential so you can catch the condition and get glaucoma surgery.

Glaucoma requires lifelong treatment, and you need effective follow ups with a glaucoma specialist like Dr Anisha Gupta, to keep vision loss at bay. There are also different kinds of glaucoma requiring different procedures and considerations.

Glaucoma Surgery

Various types of Glaucoma

Glaucomas are classified based on how the fluid pressure builds up in your eye. They fall into 5 main categories:


When the trabecular meshwork at the cornea’s base is partially blocked, aqueous humour from the anterior chamber cannot be drained, increasing pressure.


The iris bulges and blocks the drainage angle between the cornea and iris. Thus, fluid cannot circulate through the eye and pressure increases. This condition may occur suddenly (acute angle-closure glaucoma) or gradually (chronic angle-closure glaucoma).


Your optic nerve gets damaged despite eye pressure staying within the normal range. It may happen due to a sensitive optic nerve or less blood supply to the nerve.

Congenital Glaucoma

Newborns may develop glaucomas due to drainage blockages or other underlying conditions.

Secondary Glaucoma

When glaucoma happens due to other eye conditions or surgical complications. Excessive, prolonged steroid use and trauma to the eye are leading causes of secondary glaucoma.

Catching any of these conditions in their early stages improves your chances of keeping your eyesight for longer. Thus, keeping vigilant tabs on your vision with regular eye checkups is essential for effective results.

When You Should Consider Glaucoma Surgery/ Glaucoma Treatment

The symptoms of glaucoma differ depending on the type and stage. Some of the most common symptoms are as follows:

Blurry vision
Eye pain
Halos around lights
Nausea and vomiting
Patchy blind spots
Problems driving or walking in the dark
Red eyes
Stumbling into objects
Tunnel vision

If you experience any of these symptoms, you must visit an expert ophthalmologist immediately.

Sometimes, you may have no symptoms, but a routine check-up may detect glaucoma.

Even if you do not have any symptoms, the doctor may advise you on glaucoma treatment or glaucoma surgery. If and whenever the doctor advises you for treatment, you should follow it to prevent permanent vision loss.

Treatment Options Before Glaucoma Surgery

Most ophthalmologists begin the treatment path with medication therapies. These include eye drops and oral medications. Depending on how much pressure is in your eye, they may prescribe more than one medication for the best results.

The eye drops usually include:

Prostaglandins that increase fluid outflow in your eye
Beta-blockers that reduce fluid production
Alpha-adrenergic agonists that reduce aqueous humour production and increase outflow
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that reduce fluid production
Rho-kinase inhibitor that suppresses the enzymes responsible for the fluid increase
Miotic or cholinergic agents that increase fluid outflow from the eye

You may also get oral medication prescriptions to bring the eye pressure down if the eye drops are not sufficient. Dr Gupta recommends glaucoma surgery in advanced cases of Angle closure glaucoma or if medication is not working in open angle glaucoma.

Glaucoma Surgery and Other Therapies

Several high-quality, minimally invasive procedures can relieve pressure build-up in the eye with the advanced technology available today. The various procedures include:

Cryopexy or Cycloablation

The partial or complete destruction of the fluid-producing tissues in the eye using a laser. This procedure is usually a last resort when nothing else works.

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

A group of procedures using tiny incisions and microscopic equipment to minimise trauma during the surgery. Depending on your specific condition, your eye specialist chooses the right MIGS for you. These procedures generally require less post-op care with a lower risk. Your surgeon may also combine them with <cataract surgery>, if necessary.

Drainage Tubes

Your surgeon drains the excess fluid through a small tube shunt in your eye.


Also called filtering surgery, your surgeon removes part of the trabecular meshwork through a small opening in your sclera (the white of your eye).

Laser Trabeculoplasty

This procedure is used for open-angle glaucoma treatment and involves a small laser beam that opens up the clogged channels in the trabecular meshwork. It can take a few weeks for you to see the effects of this procedure.

Laser Peripheral Iridotomy

This is a laser that treats acute angle-closure glaucoma in early stages. Using a laser, your surgeon creates a tiny opening in the peripheral iris. This allows aqueous humour to bypass the iris and flow directly into the anterior chamber. Meanwhile, the iris returns to its normal position, opening up the angle.

With so many options in glaucoma treatment, consulting an expert ophthalmologist in Delhi like Dr Gupta is essential to make the right decision. Her focus on optimising patient care ensures safe, effective solutions and minimal downtime!

Get in touch with us and schedule your eye exam today to keep glaucoma at bay!